Your rights when saving in our funds

On this page you will find a summary of your rights as a saver in Swedbank Robur’s funds.


Swedbank Robur conducts fund operations and discretionary portfolio management. Remuneration is paid for each management assignment. The rules for how a fund management company’s fees or benefits in kind (incentives) may be collected are governed by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s rules. These rules are based on EU directives. The regulations state that fund management companies may only pay or receive incentives in their management activities under certain conditions.

Compensation in the event of incorrect unit value

Swedbank Robur Fonder AB has drawn up instructions for compensation in the event of incorrect fund unit value in order to compensate the saver negatively affected by the error. The instruction is based on the Fund Management Company Association’s guidelines on how the Fund and unitholders should be compensated in exceptional cases where errors occur.

Rules for best results

Swedbank Robur funds have adopted rules on how to achieve the best results when trading on behalf of fancies and discretionary portfolios


At Swedbank Robur, we work continuously to improve our products and services. Should you nevertheless be dissatisfied with us, you have the opportunity to submit a complaint, which we will handle in accordance with established procedures. If we do not consider ourselves able to accommodate a complaint, you as a customer have the right to receive a written response from us stating why.

Whistleblower routine

To ensure that risks and irregularities in our operations are detected and remedied as quickly as possible, Swedbank Robur has a whistleblowing procedure.

The Swedish Investment Fund Association´s Code and Guidelines