Complaint funds and information about your rights
If you are dissatisfied with our funds or think something has gone wrong, you should always contact your bank branch or telephone bank. If you are not a customer of Swedbank or the Savings Banks, you should instead contact the distributor (e.g. bank) who has brokered Swedbank Robur’s funds to you.
Here you will find a list of our distributors
Various investigations are often required with the production of material and/or what has been said in discussions with your administrator or contact person. The bank branch/distributor has the best conditions to conduct such an investigation quickly and provide a response directly to you.
If you have a complaint about the funds’ characteristics, fund management or similar, you can instead write to Swedbank Robur’s Complaints Manager. Please send an e-mail or send it to Swedbank Robur, Complaints Manager for Funds, 105 34 Stockholm, Sweden.
Swedbank Robur always strives to improve our products and services. An important part of this work is taking dissatisfied customers’ complaints seriously. Swedbank Robur has special procedures for handling complaints. We attach great importance to actively listening to a dissatisfied customer and investigating what has happened quickly and objectively. If Swedbank Robur does not consider itself able to accommodate a complaint, the customer has the right to receive a written response with reasons.
Complaints about banking products
Customer in Swedbank
If your complaint does not concern Swedbank Robur funds but a banking case with Swedbank, you can find more information here Complaints about banking products - Swedbank
Customer in savings bank
If you are a customer of a savings bank and want to file a complaint about a banking matter, you can find the contact details on your savings bank’s website.
Dissatisfied with Swedbank Robur’s decision
If you feel that you cannot accept Swedbank Robur’s decision, you can contact:
Consumer advice
Consumer advisors, who are available in most municipalities, provide free information and advice on issues relating to household finances and the law.
Swedish Consumers’ Banking and Finance Bureau
Box 24215, 104 51 Stockholm, Sweden, telephone 0200-22 58 00
Independent consultancy, provides free guidance on banking and financial matters. Is in contact with complaints officers in banks and securities institutions and keeps them and the relevant authorities informed about current consumer issues.
Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN)
Kungsholmstorg 5, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm, telephone 08-508,860 00
ARN is a state authority whose task is to impartially review disputes between consumers and traders. The notification is made by the consumer and must have been received by the committee six months after the trader has rejected the consumer’s claim.
The Swedish Consumer Agency
Box 48, 651 02 Karlstad, telephone 0771-42 33 00
The Swedish Consumer Agency works with legal protection, product safety and information to increase the security and knowledge of both private individuals and businesses.
General Court, Swedish Courts of Justice
551 81 Jönköping, telephone 036-15 53 00
A case can always be referred to legal proceedings in a general court of law.