Methods for integrating sustainability – inclusion, exclusion and engagement
With our influence as owners and investors, we can work for change and long-term sustainable value creation in the companies and markets in which we invest. Our methods for how we work with sustainability consist of three strategies. Here we clarify how we include, exclude and work with engagement in our different fund types.
We include sustainability
Sustainability is part of the investment philosophy in all our management. We believe in investing in companies that manage their sustainability risks and that create business opportunities based on global trends. All our funds have different ways of including sustainability and therefore also have different philosophies and methods.
We have six ways to include sustainability
- Sustainability analysis - an important part of the managers’ investment process
- Thematic investments - a qualitative approach to selecting sustainability
- Dialogues - an important part of the fundamental analysis
- Climate optimisation - the portfolio is guided by key figures linked to climate-related sustainability factors
- SDG optimisation - the portfolio’s composition is directed towards companies that contribute to meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
- Sustainable financial instruments - such as sustainable bonds
We exclude companies
We exclude certain investments in companies in order to reduce the risks in our funds and to live up to our own and society’s values. Swedbank Robur does not invest in the following:
- Controversial weapons (cluster bombs, anti-personnel mines, chemical or biological weapons)
- Nuclear weapons
- Tobacco
- Cannabis
- Pornographic material
- Commercial gambling
- Fossil fuels (coal, oil or gas) unless there are clear transition targets and they are included in Swedbank Robur’s Watch List.
- Government bonds or government guaranteed fixed income securities issued by governments that systematically and grossly violate human rights or are sanctioned by the UN Security Council, the EU, the UK (OFSI) and the United States (OFAC).
Extended Level
In addition to the above, several of our funds also exclude weapons, war material and alcohol and apply stricter criteria for companies that extract coal and do not invest in companies that violate international norms. More information about which funds follow this level can be found at
We engage with holdings
Within the framework of our impact as owners, we are active towards the holdings we invest in to highlight challenges in the areas of environment, social responsibility and corporate governance.
- As owners, our main focus is impact dialogues with boards and management in the companies in which we invest.
- We also participate in nomination committees and exercise our voting rights at general meetings.
- In the financial industry, we use our influence to drive change together with other investors and fund distributors.
- We work with our analysis and ESG data providers to develop methodologies to support our investments.
- As investors, we engage with a number of stakeholders, such as customers, the media and stakeholder organisations.
- We also influence decision makers and regulators to improve our industry and society through our impact as investors.
Important aspects include protecting minority interests, board composition, audit and internal control functions, reasonable remunerations, efficient capital structure, sustainability and transparency.