Swedbank Robur

  • We have more than 280 employees, of whom 80 are investment professionals dedicated to creating value for our 4 million savings clients.
  • Thanks to our size, we are able to engage and influence the companies we invest in – in a sustainable direction.
  • Our goal is to align all our fund capital in line with the Paris Agreement (1.5 degrees) by 2025.
A group of people having a business meeting, all laughing

Sustainable value creation

We started working with sustainability in our funds already in the early 1980s, when we launched our first environmental fund. In parallel with the development of sustainability issues to include much more than the environment, we have continued to work to drive and inspire with our vision of becoming a world leader in sustainable value creation. As Sweden’s largest fund management company, we see that we have a responsibility and an opportunity to take a clear position on issues that are important to our customers, investments and society.

What's new

Young man working in a coffee shop, holding a digital tablet

Sustainable investments and new regulations

With the help of several common regulatory frameworks, the EU wants to increase the comparability and transparency of sustainable investments. Read more about what this means for us as a fund management company, how we define sustainable investment, and what it means for you as a saver.

Swedbank Robur – a conscious choice for your savings

Watch a film about how we work to make it easy for you to make conscious choices about your savings.

How does a fund manager think?

Don't miss our webinar series: How does a fund manager think? Learn more about the thoughts of our fund managers at Robur and how they view the market. Take the opportunity to ask questions about their funds. You can also watch previous webinars that have been broadcast during the year via the link below. 

Get inspired by our fund experts

Follow our experts’ view of the market and what you should keep in mind right now. Check out Aktiellt for news about funds and investments (in Swedish).

Blogs and videos

Find out what our fund managers think, get tips on new funds, and listen to market analyses and interviews (in Swedish).